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Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) in West Island, Montreal

Brachioplasty arm lift Montreal

  • Length: 2-3 hours
  • Anesthesia: general
  • In/Outpatient: outpatient
  • Side Effects: bruising, swelling, temporary change in sensation in the arms/hands
  • Risks: bleeding, infection, scarring, accumulation of fluid (seroma), asymmetry, nerve injury
  • Recovery:

    Return to work: within a week
    Light exercise: 10 days
    Swelling completely resolves: 4-8 weeks

Before and After Photos of Arm Lift

Arm lift, also known as brachiaplasty, contours the arms, giving them a leaner, more toned appearance. It is a popular procedure amongst adults who have lost a significant amount of weight through bariatric surgery or diet and exercise, but are left with loose, saggy skin and flab on the upper arms. Dr. Benchetrit is a first-class body sculpting surgeon who has helped a number of Montreal arm lift patients achieve their desired results. If your arms’ appearance bothers you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Benchetrit today by calling 514-695-7450.

The Arm Lift Consultation

The purpose of the arm lift consultation is for Dr. Benchetrit to determine whether you are a good candidate for the surgery and what your personal goals are, and for him to explain the procedure in great detail.

Dr. Benchetrit will examine your upper arms and your skin quality, and inquire about your medical history and any previous surgeries. He will want to know why you are seeking arm lift surgery and what you hope the outcome is. You should have reasonable expectations of the surgery to increase your chance of satisfaction. Dr. Benchetrit will also show you “arm lift before and after” photos of previous patients on whom he has performed the same procedure so you can have an idea of what to expect.

After you’ve set the date for your surgery, Dr. Benchetrit and our team will give you a set of instructions for how to prepare (e.g., avoid certain medications and smoking prior to your arm lift procedure, fill your prescriptions ahead of time). We will also answer any of your questions or address your concerns.

Vectra 3D Photography

Dr. Benchetrit is one of the very few surgeons in Canada to own the Vectra 3D photography system. This revolutionary device can take 3D photos of the arms and simulate the results of the planned surgery on a computer screen. This makes it easier for the patient to make her decision and, by giving a “preview” of the final result, takes much of the worry out of the process.

Arm Lift Techniques

Dr. Benchetrit varies his surgical technique depending on your particular circumstances. If you have localized fat deposits in your arms, liposuction alone may be enough to produce satisfactory results. If you have excess fatty tissue and saggy skin, Dr. Benchetrit will need to combine liposuction and surgical excision.

During arm lift, Dr. Benchetrit will make an incision of variable length. In more minor cases, the scar can be completely hidden in the underarm area. In cases where there is a significant amount of loose skin, the scar can extend along the inside of the upper arm from your elbow to underarm. Through the incision, Dr. Benchetrit will remove excess tissue and skin. He may use liposuction to remove excess fat. Dr. Benchetrit then re-drapes the skin more tightly around your arm and stitches it into place with self-dissolving sutures. He may wrap a compression garment to help the tissues settle into their new contours.

If you have a history of “bad scars” or wish to have the best scars possible, Dr. Benchetrit will recommend a routine of “scar helpers,” or special dressings and ointments that will minimize the appearance of arm lift scars.

The Day of Surgery

Arm lift is typically performed on an outpatient basis. Before surgery, experienced medical personnel will greet you and put you ate ease while preparing you for your surgery. An anesthesiologist will then administer the anesthesia to keep you comfortable during the procedure. Arm lift takes two to two-and-a-half hours, and afterward you’ll rest in the recovery suite before going home. Compression “sleeves’ will have been applied to your upper arms while still under anesthesia. You will not be able to drive yourself home, so you will need to make arrangements for a caretaker to drive you and help you settle into a comfortable position. Dr. Benchetrit will provide a prescription for pain medication to take for any discomfort after surgery.

Recovering from Arm Lift

Your arms will be bruised and swollen after surgery, and your hands may feel tight, but these side effects are only temporary. You will need to keep your arms elevated for the first day or two after surgery to prevent swelling from extending to your hands and fingers.

For the first three to four weeks of your recovery, Dr. Benchetrit may ask you to wear a compression garment on your arms. You will need to refrain from any strenuous movement or exercise until Dr. Benchetrit advises that such activity is safe. Plan to visit Cosmedica several times during your recovery so he can check your healing progress. Most patients can return to non-strenuous work after a week or so and to full activities after three weeks. Results are visible right away but improve considerably over the next few weeks and months.

Why Choose Dr. Benchetrit For Your Surgery?

Dr. Benchetrit is an experienced plastic surgeon who has performed several hundred arm lifts. He is board-certified, familiar with the latest technologies and techniques, and has obtained a very high degree of satisfaction for his patients. Dr. Benchetrit spends a lot of time in the consultation process explaining the different options and helping the patient select the right procedure for her desired result. With the help of the Vectra 3D photo system, patients can “preview” the results of their surgery on a computer screen to help them decide if this is exactly what they want.

Contact Dr. Benchetrit

If you’re tired of avoiding sleeveless shirts and tank tops because of your arms, consider sculpting them through arm lift surgery. Dr. Benchetrit is a talented body contouring surgeon who would be happy to meet with you to discuss the procedure in more detail. Contact our office today at 514-695-7450 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Benchetrit.

Frequently Asked Questions about Arm Lift Surgery

Q: How many inches can my arms be reduced?
A: Every patient’s reduction in size will depend on their measurements and proportions. The goal is to place the arms in proportion with the rest of the figure. Patients have had reductions at the mid-arm (usually the largest portion of the upper arm) ranging from 2 inches to 5 inches.

Q: Will I really be able to wear sleeveless clothes if an arm lift is performed?
A: Yes, you will. The incision placed in the armpit to tighten the skin typically heals very well and does not inhibit patients from enjoying the results of their surgery. It takes a full year for an incision to proceed through its maturation process. During that time, it will fade and flatten and blend in with the adjoining skin.

Q: Can I have arm surgery at the same time as liposuction on other parts of my body?
A:Your surgeon will discuss if there are any medical reasons why you can’t combine arm reduction surgery or arm lift with other procedures. It is commonly performed at the same time as liposuction of the trunk, breast reduction, etc.

Q: Is the recovery painful?
A: The arms feel tight and heavy the first few days after surgery because of swelling. These sensations diminish quickly. Most patients take off 4 or 5 days for their recovery unless their job requires extensive use of the arms for lifting and extending.

Q: How soon will I see my results?
A: Your arms will be considerably smaller immediately after surgery, even though they are swollen. You will see your final results approximately 2 to 3 months after surgery, when the swelling has disappeared.

Q: When can I drive following my surgery?
A: Following your doctors instructions, most patients are considered unfit for physical activity for 2 weeks following surgery. Therefore you can only drive by the 3rd week following your doctor’s recommendation.

Q: What is the cost of surgery?
A: The cost of surgery varies based on the extent and the length of the procedure. The cost of surgery will include anesthesia and facility fee costs, supply costs, the surgeon’s fee, and all follow-up visits. Remember you are purchasing a surgeon’s skill and expertise and experience.

If you have any questions about arm lift surgery, or other plastic surgery procedures available at Cosmedica, contact us today at 514-695-7450.