Have you started thinking about facelift surgery, but have hesitated to contact a doctor because you are worried that you do not have enough signs of aging to warrant this procedure? Dr. Arie Benchetrit, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Montreal, meets with many patients who want to rejuvenate their face but are unsure whether they are interested too early. Here, he discusses what you should know about timing your facelift.
At What Age Do Most Patients Have a Facelift?
Most of the patients that Dr. Benchetrit performs a facelift for are in their 40s,50s, or 60s. The reason for this demographic is that closer to middle age, people’s skin tends to lose elasticity due to a natural decline in collagen production. This loss in texture can lead to wrinkles, jowls along the jawline, and loose neck skin, often with excess fat. These cosmetic concerns can be improved with a facelift.
With that said, many patients in their 30s and 70s also seek a facelift. On the younger end, factors like genetics, sun exposure, and smoking can cause the face to look prematurely older. For patients who have a facelift in their 30s, the goal is not necessarily to look 20 again, but rather to appear similar in age to fellow 30-somethings.
A Mini Facelift Is Appropriate for Early Signs of Aging
If your appearance does not warrant a full facelift, you may be a good candidate for a less-invasive alternative called a “mini facelift.” This surgery is mostly concerned with restoring definition to your jawline by lifting the tissue and muscle and reducing jowls. Patients are happy with this surgery because the recovery period is shorter and the results are significantly subtler.
Don’t Focus on Age
Ultimately, Dr. Benchetrit suggests taking your age out of the equation. Instead of wondering whether you are old enough to have plastic surgery, determine whether the visible signs of aging on your face are significant enough to seek improvement.
Remember, it is not necessary to have droopy skin and deep-set wrinkles before you act. If mild to moderate aging has you displeased with your appearance, that is often reason enough to decide to have a cosmetic procedure. While filler injections and other treatments can create a mild and temporary improvement, a surgical approach will create much better results that can last many years.
When you come in for a consultation, Dr. Benchetrit will listen to your specific aesthetic concerns and make a recommendation — be it a facelift, mini lift, or a non-surgical treatment — that best fulfills your goals. To make an appointment with Montreal’s best-reviewed plastic surgeon, please call 514-613-4634 or request a consultation online.